The full tabular list of ICD-10 codes is available online. In particular, the 2018 ICD 10 Code Descriptions containing the valid ICD-10-CM codes and their full code titles. The zip file contains a file named icd10cm_codes_2018.txt
which is a space-delimited text file with all codes and descriptions.
In [298]:
icd10file = "icd10cm_codes_2018.txt"
codes = {}
with open(icd10file) as fp:
for cnt, line in enumerate(fp):
(code, desc) = line.split(' ', 1)
codes[code] = desc.strip()
The ICD-10 codes for Charlson Comorbities are found in the following paper:
Quan H, Sundararajan V, Halfon P, et al. Coding algorithms for defining comorbidities in ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 administrative data. Med Care. 2005;43(11):1130‐1139. doi:10.1097/01.mlr.0000182534.19832.83.
Notes during development
listed under "Diabetes w/o chronic complications" but that code does not existB20x-B22.x, B24.x
but only B20
In [303]:
import re
# Regular expressions for each of the Charlson comorbitidities
# Most of this expression are easy to make to the original text except for
# the "Any malignancy..." morbidity which require multiple expressions to
# handle double digit matching (e.g. 00 - 26)
charlson = (("Myocardial infarction",
("Congestive heart failure",
("Peripheral vascular disease",
("Cerebrovascular disease",
("Chronic pulmonary disease",
("Rheumatic disease",
("Peptic ulcer disease",
("Mild liver disease",
("Diabetes without chronic complication",
("Diabetes with chronic complication",
("Hemiplegia or paraplegia",
("Renal disease",
# C00.x–C26.x, C30.x–C34.x, C37.x– C41.x, C43.x, C45.x–C58.x, C60.x– C76.x, C81.x–C85.x, C88.x, C90.x–C97.x
("Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except malignant neoplasm of skin",
("Moderate or severe liver disease",
("Metastatic solid tumor",
columns = [ column for column, regex in charlson]
regexs = [ re.compile(regex) for column, regex in charlson ]
# Output file has a column for each Charlson comorbity along with a code and description
header = columns + ["Code", "Description"]
output_file = "charlson_matrix.csv"
with open(output_file, 'w') as fp:
# Write header to output file
fp.write(",".join(["\"%s\"" % (col) for col in header]))
for code, desc in codes.items():
answer = list(map(lambda regex: 1 if regex.match(code) else 0, regexs))
if sum(answer) > 0:
# We matched one of the Charlson comorbidities, so save this code to our output file
fp.write(",".join([str(i) for i in answer] + ["\"%s\"" % (s,) for s in [code, desc]]))